After the Storm, there is such a sweet smell of rain. After the Storm had passed, time stood still for a moment. The wind had stopped and there was such a quietness. All you could hear was the constant hum of the Rig’s engines. It was such a contrast to the moment before with lightning pounding just feet from where I stood. The stillness brought a moment of clarity. You could see so clearly, the dust had settled, which is not a normal occurrence in West Texas. I was almost a mile away when I shot this image. If you look closely, you can see the company man in his trailer doing reports.
The days on the Rig allow very little time to look up and see just what is happening around you. There are however those moments when After the Storm, and the rain has passed, you can breathe deep. To open the windows and enjoy the smell and the quiet. Those out on location observe all sorts of amazing beauty. They see sunsets, sunrises, dirt storms, and rain. The rain is the least occurring wonder of nature, but when it happens. Everyone stops to take it in. Even if it’s just to open the trailer door and breathe in the fresh air.